Rabu, 24 Mei 2017

Maine Soul-winning Marathon Results

Maine Soul-winning Marathon Results

We recently put on a soul-winning marathon in the state of Maine, and I was pleased with the results. 52 people showed up, and we had a total of 25 saved and 9 baptized. This was the lowest turnout that we’ve ever had at a soul-winning marathon, but it’s not surprising. Maine is a state with a low population and is off the beaten path. It isn’t part of the Bible belt by any means, and people were kind of surprised that we were even doing a soul-winning marathon there. Maine is a godless place in a lot of ways, but having 25 people get saved was a huge blessing!

One of the best things about this particular soul-winning event was that about 30 of the people who came to the marathon had never been soul winning before. Training new soul winners is one of the main reasons we put on these events. Winning a few people to the Lord is great, but training someone to be a life-long soul winner can lead to hundreds more people being saved. Ideally, many of those people who participated in the Maine marathon will get excited about soul winning and continue to win souls on a regular basis in their own communities.

We were able to knock about 1600-1700 doors, so we put a good dent in the town of Biddeford, which only has about 21,000 people in it. Most people who answered the door had zero interest, but people walking around outside were more likely to stop and listen. Interestingly, the four people I personally won to the Lord that day were people out walking. The fact that anyone got saved at all in such an unreceptive area just goes to show that soul winning works anywhere. I believe the Lord places the right people in our path when we show up with a willing attitude.

If you are not yet involved in soul winning, you need to find a soul-winning church in your area and get plugged in. When we come to a town near you, I encourage you to attend one of our soul winning marathons and perhaps bring a friend. As a silent partner, you’ll pick up invaluable skills from listening to a seasoned soul winner deal with different types of people. If you’ve never been soul winning before, just show up, and we’ll pair you up with someone who will do the talking. If you are already a “talker,” we hope you will attend these events as well because we need both talkers and silent partners.

Click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel, so you don’t miss out on any upcoming events.

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