Senin, 31 Desember 2018

Analisis Harga Bitcoin: Selamat Tahun Baru Bitcoin!

Analisis Harga Bitcoin: Selamat Tahun Baru Bitcoin!

Jika kita cermati secara seksama ada kemungkinan bahwa harga Bitcoin sedang bersiap untuk melakukan kenaikan harga diatas 3.800 dolar. BTC bisa naik tajam setelah terjadi penembusan level resisten pada 3.800 dan 3.900 dolar.

Indikator Teknis:

MACD Per Jam – Mulai bergerak ke zona bullish.

RSI Per Jam – RSI tepat di bawah level 50.

Level Support – 3.700 dolar

Level Resisten – 3.900 dolar

Bitcoin kini sedang melakukan uji area resisten di 3.950-4.000 dolar dan masih bergejolak di sekitaran itu.

Ada pola breakout utama dengan resistensi di harga 3.800 dollar.

Harga memiliki peluang besar untuk menembus level resisten 3.800 dan 3.900 dollar  namun hal ini hanya sebatas prediksi/analisis semata.

Setelah melakukan uji penembusan level support pada 3.650 dolar, bitcoin mengalami pemantulan harga hingga 3.750 dolar. BTC/USD berkemungkinan besar dapat menembus level resisten 3.800 dolar. Bahkan dapat mencapai 3.900 dolar lebih, namun BTC masih perlu mendapatkan momentum besar. Harga saat ini mulai pulih dan bergerak di kisaran harga 3.700 dolar, level retracement Fib 50% dari penurunan harga yang terjadi kemarin 3.946 dolar ke 3.645 dolar.

Disini, level resistensi 3.800 bertindak sebagai penghalang bagi pembeli. Ada resisten kuat disisni, level retracement Fib 61,8% dari gelombang penurunan terakhir juga sangat mempengaruhi dan cenderung menekan harga untuk tidak naik. Terdapat pola breakout utama di sini dengan resistensi 3.800 dolar grafik per jam.

Grafik diatas, menunjukkan bahwa harga bitcoin mempunyai dominasi untuk melakukan penembusan level 3.800 dolar. Selama harga tidak turun di bawah level harga 3.700 dolar, Harga BTC masih memiliki kesempatan besar untuk melakukan kenaikan harga secara lebih lanjut.

Peringatan: Edisi ini hanya sebatas analisis semata, tidak untuk acuan trading dan kegiatan perdagangan mata uang digital. Analisis diatas belum tentu benar, karena pergerakan harga BTC yang sangat volatile dan pengaruh dari beberapa faktor lainnya. Jika ada kerugian yang terjadi pada trading/perdagangan Anda, itu bukan tanggung jawab kami.


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Minggu, 30 Desember 2018

Kraken Rilis Margin Trading Untuk Bitcoin Cash Dan XRP

Kraken Rilis Margin Trading Untuk Bitcoin Cash Dan XRP

Bursa crypto Kraken secara resmi membuka layanan opsi perdagangan margin/margin trading untuk dua mata uang digital, Bitcoin Cash dan XRP.

Margin trading memungkinkan pengguna untuk meningkatkan dana pada akun mereka dengan dana yang sebenarnya tidak mereka miliki (secara jelasnya kita diberi pinjaman dana dengan bunga tertentu). Menggunakan margin dapat memberikan keuntungan yang jauh lebih besar dan sebaliknya akan memberikan kerugian yang besar pula jika kita melakukan kesalahan trading. Satu kesalahan dalam melakukan perdagangan dapat berimbas pada seluruh dana yang kita miliki pada akun dan hal ini bukan merupakan tipuan/metode scam.

Kraken yang berbasis di San Francisco baru saja menambahkan dua aset crypto ke layanan margin tradingnya. Saat ini pengguna dapat melakukan leverage trade pada Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Tether, Monero dan Augur. Seperti yang diumumkan di blog perusahaan hari ini, Bitcoin Cash dan XRP baru saja ditambahkan.

Leverage yang tersedia, atau batas pinjaman, akan tergantung pada tingkat verifikasi akun. Akun tier empat teratas bisa mendapatkan hingga 500 BCH atau 2,5 juta XRP. Leverage di mulai dari 2x untuk perdagangan BTC dan naik hingga 5x untuk perdagangan fiat XRP. Kraken telah memposting peringatan tentang bahaya perdagangan berisiko tinggi ini dan merekomendasikan kepada seluruh penggunanya/trader agar memiliki saldo akun yang cukup untuk mendukung margin trading tersebut.

Reaksi Pasar

Pasar Crypto telah melakukan rebound lagi hari ini, XRP dan BCH juga melakukan rebound dengan baik. XRP naik sebanyak 8% menjadi $ 0,375 kemarin.

Sementara itu, Bitcoin Cash masih mengalami naik dan turun belum tentu arah.

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Jumat, 28 Desember 2018

Zapaygo ICO akan melakukan tokenize pada ekosistem pembayaran konsolidasi

Zapaygo ICO akan melakukan tokenize pada ekosistem pembayaran konsolidasi

Digitalisasi keuangan ICO Zapaygo dalam sekali “Tap”

Dalam cerita singkat kami dalam meninjau beberapa kekuatan dari rilis ICO Zapaygo. Zapaygo menyediakan menu produk/layanan dan layanan pre-order dan pembayaran kepada konsumen; semua melalui aplikasi gratis untuk smartphone. Komitmen untuk digitalisasi melalui Blockchain mengkonsolidasikan adopsi teknologi. Ekosistem teknologinya diuji dan disempurnakan secara luas; bahkan sepenuhnya terintegrasi ke dalam ePos stadion olahraga profil tinggi di Inggris.

Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tahun 2015 dan saat ini tenggelam dalam acara yang paling mengganggu di antara yayasannya dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Mengaktifkan putaran pendanaan, rilis menuju cryptospace di semua cabang tim di tahun 2019; sebuah proyek konsolidasi yang rilis di bidang “cryptoactive” tidak akan luput dari perhatian.

Dari produk yang ditawarkan, token ZAP, kita akan berbicara berikutnya, menyebutkan sebelum beberapa poin yang paling mencolok. Zapaygo yang tidak meninggalkan rincian untuk mengikat, dan mencari keuntungan dari setiap pergerakan likuiditas. Ekosistem yang ditawarkan oleh Zapaygo ICO dan token ZAP menghasilkan kombinasi dengan berbagai kemungkinan; Selalu fokus pada kenyamanan finansial pelanggan dan mengurangi friksi dalam pembayaran untuk semua pihak.

Keamanan dan pengalaman, nilai tambah dalam pengelolaan Identitas Digital

Di era di mana kami terus mengakses layanan dan langganan baru, Identitas Digital menjadi sangat penting. Selama beberapa dekade perkembangannya konstan, digitalisasi informasi tidak berhenti. Sistem pemrosesan data menggantikan berton-ton kertas yang rentan; menghemat waktu dan ruang. Lingkungan yang sepenuhnya didigitalkan membutuhkan keamanan dan tangan yang kuat dalam pengelolaan data dan akses; serikat awal yang penting memungkinkan proyek dari awal hingga akhir.

Aplikasi pembayaran Lifestyle Zapaygo pada 2017 menandatangani sebuah asosiasi pembayaran mobile eksklusif selama 10 tahun dengan The NEC Group. Aplikasi pembayaran ini menyatukan penyedia layanan, pedagang, tempat penjualan elektronik dan konsumen untuk memungkinkan pengunjung ke lokasi Grup untuk membuat pesanan di muka, memesan dan membayar makanan dan minuman dengan ponsel mereka.

Kami berbagi kompilasi dari beberapa mitra/penyedia layanan di ekosistem Zapayco global:

Rapyd (, paket yang dapat dikonfigurasi yang memungkinkan Anda mengembangkan antarmuka web dalam beberapa baris. Paycasso ( solusi identifikasi pelanggan global yang revolusioner, yang sangat fleksibel dan menghasilkan manajemen waktu nyata dan metrik operasional, seperti Verisure. Ini diikuti oleh daftar lengkap yang merupakan bagian dari ke atau

Dana ekuitas swasta yang dikelola oleh Blackstone secara terbuka mengumumkan pada 12 Oktober 2018 akuisisi Grup Pusat Pameran Nasional (“NEC” atau “perusahaan”). Jadi ada dukungan kuat.

Dukungan perusahaan tingkat tinggi di Zapaygo ICO dan selamat tinggal pada antrian

Ekosistem tidak menawarkan celah dalam hal asosiasi, sponsor, dan kolaborasi. Para mitra yang tergabung dalam proyek Verteda ePOS (, akan memberikan visibilitas kepada sekitar 750 ribu pengguna mingguan; Di sisi lain, NEC Group ( akan mempromosikan Zapaygo setiap bulan kepada sekitar 28 juta orang. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kontrak asosiasi pembayaran mobile dengan yang disebutkan tadi.

Ini adalah dua faktor penting yang menjamin ruang lingkup global proyek, ditambahkan ke perjanjian yang akan terdaftar dalam Deloitte Waves ICO Platform segera. Aplikasi ini memperlancar proses pemesanan dan pembayaran di bar, restoran, stadion, dan banyak tempat lainnya, membantu pengguna dan semua jenis perusahaan. Selain mengurangi waktu yang hilang dalam antrian praktis menjadi nol; memfasilitasi otomatisasi dan pemantauan pihak penjual, meningkatkan pengalaman bagi semua pihak.

Mari kita bicara sedikit tentang tim, di mana mantan CFO MasterCard, Frank J. Cotroneo, meminta perhatian kita; Mr. Cotroneo, sebagai Direktur Strategi, akan memberikan kepemimpinan dan pengalaman di pasar keuangan yang dibutuhkan proyek sebesar itu. Strategi yang didukung oleh tim yang penuh dengan pemimpin di bidang keuangan dan manajemen modal; serta didukung oleh pengacara dan ahli strategi yang kontras dari kedua sisi laut.

Revolusi jasa keuangan di telapak tangan Anda

Teknologi ini telah dikembangkan untuk berinovasi di sisi klien dan menawarkan alat keuangan yang berkualitas. Kami baru-baru ini mengalami ledakan teknologi yang menjadi perhatian semua pihak; Pada saat yang sama, pengalaman pelanggan yang meningkat disertai dengan alat yang kuat di sisi penjual. 2019 tampaknya menjadi tahun di mana transformasi sektor keuangan dikonsolidasikan; Internet of Things (IoT), pengelolaan mandiri produk-produk keuangan dari dompet dan tokenization berkumpul di Zapaygo.

Pemrosesan Big Data via AI (kecerdasan buatan) telah melambungkan sektor penjualan. Perhatian yang dipersonalisasi hari ini adalah poin yang harus dipertimbangkan. Alat manajemen yang disempurnakan telah melontarkan pengalaman sebagai tenaga penjualan; Ekosistem Zapaygo memfasilitasi pengelolaan sistem yang kuat melalui antarmuka yang sederhana dan canggih. Di sisi klien, dengan Zapaygo pengalaman pengguna diperkaya; imbalan kesetiaan, diskon, penghematan waktu dalam upaya Anda dan banyak lagi. Menghemat waktu dan menghindari sakit kepala adalah tujuannya; di belakang adalah proses yang menjengkelkan, membayar untuk layanan biasa menjadi sederhana dan nyaman dari perangkat apa pun.

Detail terkait acara pembiayaan ICO Zapaygo

Seluruh infrastruktur yang disebutkan di atas, dan tim yang berpengalaman akan membentuk peluncuran token ZAP; sebuah peluncuran yang akan merevolusi ruang ICO global dengan tur spektakuler oleh tangan Bloomberg. Lebih dari 10 perhentian akan dilakukan di beberapa benua; ini adalah bagaimana token sudah diketahui. Sebagai titik awal, ZAP mulai dari harga simbolis $ 0,007142 dolar AS per unit.

Penjualan pribadi dengan bonus yang berlaku (+ 40%) aktif, khususnya di babak kedua. Sebagai bagian dari putaran private, untuk setiap $ 1 yang dibayarkan, Anda sebelumnya akan diberikan $ 1 dari obligasi yang dipatok; obligasi akan berbicara segera, karena mereka adalah bagian dari rencana untuk 2019 setelah ICO. Mereka menunjukkan dari halaman partisipasi mereka bahwa bonus tambahan adalah untuk periode terbatas dan tanpa biaya tersembunyi. Anda dapat menemukan detail yang lebih spesifik di situs web Zapayco ICO Anda atau whitepaper.

Dalam beberapa minggu mendatang, pada akhir penjualan private, putaran pra-penjualan token ZAP akan dimulai; mengurangi bonus dari penjualan pribadi masing-masing menjadi + 28% dan + 12.5%. Babak final dan babak ICO akan menutup tahap pembiayaan tanpa obligasi pada harga simbolis $ 0,007142.

ITBO menandatangani tokenized setelah proses Zapayco ICO pada tahun 2019

Seperti lapisan gula pada kue, pada akhir proses yang dijelaskan sebelumnya, itu akan menuju tahap kedua. Penerbitan obligasi ITBO akan disertai dengan penawaran awal. Obligasi / token (ITBOS) ini akan dinilai secara simbolis pada tingkat standar US $ 1. Ini akan terdiri dari 100 juta obligasi yang dipatok, termasuk yang dikaitkan sebagai bonus untuk memperoleh token ZAP. Ingatlah bahwa selama penjualan pribadi Zapayco ICO yang sudah aktif, Anda mendapatkan bonus 1: 1. Obligasi yang dipatenkan tidak akan disurvei oleh aset, tetapi terhadap pendapatan di masa depan, memberikan keseimbangan yang diharapkan.

Saat membeli obligasi ITBO, 10 Zaps gratis akan diterima, jadi saat menggunakan Zapaygo, pembeli obligasi dapat menghemat 10 kali lipat dari uang yang mereka habiskan untuk membeli token. Hasil obligasi akan memiliki prioritas di atas dividen setelah pajak; sementara, mereka dikreditkan dengan 10% dari laba global atau 7% per tahun, tergantung mana yang paling bermanfaat.

Tidak diragukan lagi, whitepaper Zapaygo memberi kita visi teknis dan teoritis yang sangat lengkap; kita dapat berbicara tentang salah satu rilis paling relevan di tahun 2019.


website ICO:

Whitepaper: content/uploads/2018/10/Zapaygo_White_Paper_V0.99.pdf



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Kamis, 27 Desember 2018

Litecoin Jadi Cryptocurrency Pertama yang mensponsori UFC

Litecoin Jadi Cryptocurrency Pertama yang mensponsori UFC

Menurut postingan blog dari Litecoin Foundation, Litecoin (LTC) akan menjadi “Mitra Cryptocurrency Resmi dari UFC 232”. Acara ini akan berlangsung Sabtu malam minggu ini di California pertandingan antara Jon Jones dan Alexander Gustafsson untuk memperebutkan sabuk berat kelas ringan UFC.

Masih belum jelas bagaimana kerjasama antara kedua entitas ini akan bekerja.

Postingan blog menceritakan secara rinci bagaimana Litecoin telah menjalin kemitraan dengan berbagai perusahaan dan merek pada 2018. Banyak yang masih belum di ungkapkan. Namun, keputusan telah dibuat untuk melanjutkan kesepakatan dengan UFC karena beberapa alasan.

Yang paling utama di sini adalah bahwa Litecoin Foundation mengidentifikasi kesamaan antara UFC dan LTC dalam hal fokus pada komunitas:

“Selama 25 tahun terakhir, UFC … berkembang dari segerombolan kecil menjadi fenomena global, didasarkan pada komunitas yang sangat solid … Kami melihat banyak persamaan dengan Litecoin akan hal ini karena komunitas kami yang luar biasa telah berperan dalam perkembangan kami dan menyediakan gairah dan antusiasme yang tak tergoyahkan yang terus mendorong kami untuk terus maju.”

Sebagai bagian dari kemitraan antara LTC dan Ultimate Fighting Championship, logo aset digital yang telah lama didirikan akan ditampilkan di sekitar Octagon. “Branding” mata uang ini akan terlihat oleh jutaan pemirsa di seluruh dunia nantinya.

“Ini adalah milestone besar bagi Litecoin dan cryptocurrency lainnya secara umum karena tidak ada koin lain yang mensponsori acara UFC hingga saat ini.”

Postingan tersebut juga menyatakan bahwa Litecoin Foundation berharap bahwa UFC 232 adalah awal dari “hubungan yang panjang dan membuahkan hasil” antara UFC dan LTC.

Berita mengenai kemitraan Litecoin datang tepat setelah masa depan cryptocurrency mulai goyah (market bearish). Apalagi ditambah rumor Bitmain yang saat ini sedang ramai.

Menurut dokumen resmi Bitmain dari bulan Agustus tahun ini menyatakan bahwa perusahaan tersebut memiliki hampir satu juta LTC. Secara alami, ia memperkirakan jika perusahaan dipaksa melakukan restrukturisasi oleh pasar bearish saat ini, simpanan LTC ini dapat dijual ke pasar kapan saja dan hal ini dapat memicu penurunan besar di harga LTC.

Gambar diambil dari blockmanity

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Selasa, 25 Desember 2018

Harga Bitcoin Kembali Turun: Akan Ada Penurunan Besar Lainnya?

Harga Bitcoin Kembali Turun: Akan Ada Penurunan Besar Lainnya?

Diskon tahun ini nampaknya telah dimulai sehari lebih awal bagi siapa pun yang berharap untuk mendapatkan eksposur ke berbagai aset digital khususnya Bitcoin. Harga Bitcoin dan crypto lain telah turun tajam sejak kemarin dan tren ini masih terus berlanjut.

Tepat sehari sebelum Natal harga Bitcoin bitcoin mengalami penurunan. Total kapitalisasi pasar juga merosot hampir 5 miliar dolar dan harga per satu Bitcoin saat ini adalah 3.816 dolar.

Faktor Yang Menyebabkan Harga Bitcoin Turun

Penyebab pasti dari aksi jual pasar kali ini masih belum diketahui. Namun, beberapa orang mulai berspekulasi bahwa aksi ini mungkin terkait dengan rumor mengenai peluncuran platform Bakkt Intercontinental Exchange yang mengalami penundaan untuk kedua kalinya:

Meskipun beberapa publikasi berita cryptocurrency telah melaporkan kejadian ini, masih belum ada kabar resmi dari Bakkt sendiri yang menyatakan bahwa rilis tersebut akan mengalami penundaan.

Laporan menunjukkan bahwa platform Bakkt belum memiliki persetujuan dari Komisi Perdagangan Komoditas dan Berjangka AS. Hal ini tidak berarti bahwa Bakkt pada akhirnya tidak akan mendapatkan lampu hijau dari regulator. Sebelumnya platform itu sendiri sudah melakukan perubahan rilis yang seharusnya dilakukan pada bulan November tahun ini, namun dengan adanya hal ini kemungkinan besar rilis akan dilakukan pada akhir Januari 2019 nanti.

Ok, mari kita kembali ke topik penurunan harga.

Kali ini bukan hanya harga Bitcoin saja yang mengalami penurunan harga saat Natal. Pasar cryptocurrency lainnya juga mengalami hal yang sama. Cryptocurrency seperti Ether, XRP, Stellar, EOS, dan Litecoin juga mengalami penurunan harga.

BCHABC dan juga rivalnya BCHSV yang baru saja melakukan fork juga mengalami nasib buruk. Turun sebanyak 20 persen selama 24 jam terakhir.

Penyebab yang disinyalir sebagai tekanan penjualan BCH saat ini adalah bahwa Bitmain, salah satu pendukung Bitcoin Cash terbesar, dikabarkan sedang dalam proses melepaskan lebih dari 50% tenaga kerjanya.

Rumor ini telah muncul setelah Bitmain mengumumkan bahwa mereka menutup pusat pengembangannya di Israel, yang, tentu saja, melibatkan sejumlah besar kasus PHK.

Gambar diambil dari coin360

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Analisis Harga Bitcoin: Akankah BTC Menyentuh Harga 3.500 Dollar?

Analisis Harga Bitcoin: Akankah BTC Menyentuh Harga 3.500 Dollar?

Bitcoin memulai koreksinya dan turun hingga di kisaran harga 3.748 dollar. BTC berkemungkinan besar masih akan bergerak turun menuju level supportnya di harga 3.600 – 3.500 dollar.

Indikator teknis:

MACD Per Jam – kembali ke zona bearish.

RSI Per Jam – RSI di bawah level 50.

Level Support – 3.500 dollar

Level Resisten – 4.000 dollar

Harga Bitcoin kemarin berjuang untuk menembus level 4.240 dollar, namun karena tidak kuat untuk menembus level resisten tersebut akhirnya hari ini mulai mengalami penurunan harga sebagai upaya koreksi harga.

Garis tren bullish dengan level support pada harga 4.020 dollar siang tadi tertembus, grafik per jam.

Harga saat ini diperdagangkan di kisaran harga 3.748 dollar dan mempunyai peluang untuk turun hingga 3.500 dollar.

Setelah mengalami pergulatan hebat BTC/USD nyatanya tidak mampu untuk menembus level 4.240 dollar dan kemudian mulai koreksi turun dengan tajam. Penurunan yang barusan terjadi pada market BTC mampu menembus level support 4.000 dollar. Penjual bereaksi dengan cepat dan mendorong harga hingga ke level retracement Fib 61,8% dari gelombang kenaikan harganya yang terakhir dari 3.788 ke 4.240 dollar.

Garis tren bullish dengan level support di 4.020 dollar juga tertembus saat penurunan harga terjadi siang tadi. BTC/USD juga sempat turun hingga menembus support 3.788 dollar dan pola kini sudah berpindah ke zona bearish jangka pendek. Jika penurunan harga masih terus terjadi, kemungkinan besar akan terjadi uji level pada support 3.620 dollar. Jika tertembus dan masih mengalami penurunan secara lebih lanjut, support selanjutnya ada di 3.500 dollar. Sisi positif, jika ada koreksi harga (btc/usd mulai naik), BTC/USD mempunyai peluang untuk mendekati dan melakukan uji level resisten di 3.850 dan 3.980 dollar.

Jika kita lihat grafik diatas, harga bitcoin jelas gagal untuk menembus level 4.240 dollar. Harga BTC berpeluang besar untuk turun di bawah harga 3.600 dollar, jika harga mampu bertahan di atas 3.500 dollar pergerakan naik baru pada BTC akan segera dimulai. Jika tidak atau terjadi penurunan secara lebih lanjut maka support selanjutnya yang siap untuk diuji adalah level support 3.200 dollar.


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Senin, 24 Desember 2018

Detailed Breakdown of Jeff Durbin's Non-Denial

Detailed Breakdown of Jeff Durbin's Non-Denial
Jeff Durbin on his discharge from the Marine Corps

Disclosure: This analysis was done by the wife of Steven Anderson, while carefully following principle. Still, the reader should bear in mind that there could be bias present on the part of the analyst in favor of Steven Anderson that cannot be fully overcome.

Part A: Full text

Steven Anderson: This is Pastor Steven Anderson. Are you available for a quick phone call?

Jeff Durbin: Hello, Steven. Unfortunately, due to Christmas, I wouldn't be able to do a phone call until Thursday. 
What can I do for you?

SA: I just wanted to ask you about your discharge from the marine corps.
I wanted to give you a chance to give your side.
Apparently you were discharged for homosexuality?

JD: Respectfully, it would have been great if you had asked me before you went public with an accusation. At this point, you have borne false witness about me about numerous things, publicly. I want to be loving, gracious, forgiving, and respectful to you, Steven. Even though you are guilty of slander and false witness. I will forgive you. However, your duty before God is to come clean with your sin and to publicly repent and admit sin. Here is the biblical standard. I trust you'll pause long enough to consider your failure here. "Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses." - 1 Timothy 5:19 "Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness." - Exodus 23:1 "Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour; I am the Lord." - Leviticus 19:16 "16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren." - Proverbs 6 Your public slander, false witness, and gossip is something you will have to give an account for, Steven. I do pray for you, sir. And I am hopeful that humility will fall and you will be broken and humble enough to admit error, confess sin, and repent of your pattern of life. You have a lot of false witness and slander to account for. As for my part, I am happy to forgive you publicly and to not abuse you for exercising humility if you publicly repent for your pattern of slander and false witness. 1. You falsely accused me of being a drunk. Anyone who knows me, my life, and ministry, knows this is pure slander and false witness. 2. You accused my wife of being a drunk. Anyone who knows her knows this is laughable false witness. You are also treading on very dangerous ground insulting, slandering, and bearing false witness about another man's wife. Steven, respectfully, imagine if I publicly accused your wife of being an abusive mother. One, is it true? Two, how would I know? Three, what does God command me regarding accusations? 3. You have now created a history of false witness and slander to the degree that slander, gossip, and lies have flowed from your tongue with ease. Example: things as silly as suggesting that Apologia Church is a "flop". Steven, one, how would you know? Two, that's a lie. Our church is (by the grace of God) in our 10th year and we are thriving, growing, and have even run out of space. Yet, you bore false witness with ease. More can be said. However, I'm happy to answer your question. Again, the godly thing and obedient thing would have been to contact me before you sinned, lied, and slandered. I must point out to you that you are demonstrably in sin here. You are asking me AFTER you have spread a false report and slander. Again, I am happy to forgive you but it will take humility, integrity, and repentance on your part. I was absolutely NEVER kicked out of the Marines for being a homosexual. I never have been a homosexual. I was administratively discharged after a couple of weeks in boot camp because my testimony to the chaplain about severe abuses led to my life and several others being put in danger. They begged me to stay after an official investigation. I chose to leave after it was obvious that my life was in danger. Several Marine Drill Instructors were threatening my life and I had to be put under protection. They had an official investigation and halted the platoon's training. Several men tried to escape. Some tried to kill themselves. I almost stayed. However, when they were giving me time to decide if I wanted to stay, three Marine Drill Instructors threatened my life (again) at the Mess Hall. The Commander of the base was asking me to give them another chance in a new platoon. After the last threat on my life, he and I agreed it was no longer safe and that I should leave. I left as MY decision. It was an administrative discharge. You are guilty here, Steven. I want to be merciful to you. However, you need to repent, have integrity, confess sin, and change your ways.

SA: Are you denying telling the drill instructor that you were a homosexual?
Can you just answer my simple question? You are accusing me of slander. Please answer my question.

JD: I'm more than happy to answer more questions, Steven. After, you don't ignore everything I just wrote to you.
You are guilty, Steven.

SA: Cut the crap. I don't have "more questions." I have one question.
The epistle you wrote me accusing me of slander is meaningless if what I said is substantially true. You were discharged from the military because of you being perceived as homosexual.
It's a simple question: Are you denying telling the drill instructor that you were a homosexual?

JD: No. I wasn't. You clearly didn't even read what was written to you. Try again, Steven. You can do it, sir.

SA: I read every word you wrote.

JD: They asked me to stay.
You didn't read that?
Are you in a hurry?
Not paying attention?

SA: Let me try to understand your answer: "No, I wasn't" denying that you told the drill instructor you were a homosexual?
It's a simple question: Are you denying you told the drill instructor that you were a homosexual?

JD: Again, when you cease ignoring what was written to you I'll respond.

SA: "They asked me to stay"
Okay, I got that. Did you tell the drill instructor you were a homosexual?

JD: Right. You wrote: "You were discharged from the military because of you being perceived as homosexual."
So let me see you acknowledge the error.

SA: You telling the drill instructor that you were a homosexual ultimately led to your dismissal from the marine corps.
You are splitting hairs.

JD: No, sir.
More false witness.
You have a pattern here.

SA: Okay, let's try this one last time. Last chance: Are you denying you told the drill instructor that you were a homosexual?

JD: I pray you find some men to speak into your life.
When you begin acting like a man with integrity I'll be happy to continue this conversation.

SA: That answers my question. Thank you.

JD: Let me see you acknowledge the clear and undeniable error.
You are a very dishonest man, Steven.
Easily refuted.
Very dangerous.

SA: Very dangerous to your scam.

Part B: Full text with analysis added

This is not a conclusive analysis. There is much more here to analyze. This analysis is only going to point out the most obvious.

Steven Anderson: This is Pastor Steven Anderson. Are you available for a quick phone call?

Jeff Durbin: Hello, Steven.

The subject (Jeff Durbin) begins with a greeting and “Steven,” using first name only with no title. This could suggest familiarity and a close relationship, or a subtle dismissal of Steven Anderson’s role as pastor by choosing not to use his title and using first rather than last name.

Unfortunately, due to Christmas,

The subject here goes on to explain, without having been asked, why he cannot return a phone call. This is noted in the highest level of sensitivity (blue). It is an indication that the subject anticipated being asked “why can’t you talk to me on the phone?” and wanted to pre-empt that question by giving a reason. We should now be on the alert that the reason stated might not truthful but rather deceptive. Does the subject have a different reason for avoiding a phone call?

Also, the reason given is “Christmas”, with the connotation being that of a deeply spiritual and family affair. It portrays the subject as someone who is diligent in setting much time aside for the observance of religious holidays in the circle of his loved ones. Such a “need to persuade” the reader of his intentions actually weakens his assertion.

I wouldn't be able to do a phone call until Thursday.

“wouldn’t” is in the subjunctive verb mood, which is an indication of being doubtful or not factual. It is to avoid saying, “I am unable to”, which would be strong, reliable sentence. We are now wondering if the subject is, indeed, unable to make phone calls until Thursday, or if he is rather avoiding such a call.

What can I do for you?

Continued familiarity noted. If the reader and the subject are not actually close, this “need to persuade” the reader of his friendliness and willingness to help might be an indication of just the opposite.

SA: I just wanted to ask you about your discharge from the marine corps.
I wanted to give you a chance to give your side.
Apparently you were discharged for homosexuality?

JD: Respectfully, it would have been great if you had asked me before you went public with an accusation.

Here, the subject is confronted with the accusation, and given the opportunity to respond to it. Where a person chooses to begin their statement is often the most important sentence in a statement. It reveals the subject’s background, experiences, priority, and personality.

After being accused of “homosexuality,” which should be considered one of the most egregious sins by the subject, an evangelical pastor, he instead responds with “Respectfully”. Such a positive and mild response is unexpected. The expectation would be righteous indignation at such a false accusation. The subject here does not tell us that the accusation is false, only that he was accused, which is correct and truthful. We will now be on the lookout for him to call such an accusation “false.”

“it would have been great if you had asked me” is likewise unexpected. It is much milder than for example the clear demand, “You should have asked me.” Instead, “would have been great” is not a demand, just a preference on the part of the subject, while expressing understanding about his request not having been met. The subject is concerned about the accuser being inconvenienced more than about himself standing accused. This is unnatural, and a signal of disingenuity and deception on the part of the subject.

The subject tells the reader what he is upset about. Is it being accused? No. The subject does not express offense to having been accused, only that the accusation was “public.” This points to his priorities. We will be on the lookout in the remainder of the statement whether “public image” is the subject’s number one priority, and trumps even that of defending himself against scandalous and false accusations.

This single sentence begins a very lengthy response, which suggest heightened emotional status, and goes against the “law of economy” innate to all human beings. Verbally or otherwise, humans are wired to want to take the “shortest route”. Short statements are always the best. They suggest that there is a “wall of truth” that the subject has around him. Therefore, he/she feels no need to go to lengthy explanations. Whenever there are ‘unnecessary’ words, they are highly significant.

The subject here responds to the short statement, “Apparently you were discharged for homosexuality?” by way of an extremely lengthy statement, that only at the very end (= low priority) addresses the issue at hand.

At this point, you have borne false witness about me about numerous things, publicly.

Public image is again noted as the highest priority. The subject takes issue not so much with the “false witness,” but the fact that it was done “publicly.”

I want to be loving, gracious, forgiving, and respectful to you, Steven.

“I want to be” means that the subject, at this time, does not feel “loving, gracious, forgiving, and respectful” towards “Steven.” There is an incongruence between the subject’s feelings towards “Steven,” and the familiarity he seeks to portray by using the first name only.

Even though you are guilty of slander and false witness. I will forgive you.

The subject does not say that the “slander and false witness” on the part of Steven Anderson are regarding his military discharge, or even regarding the subject at all. It is a generalized statement, not tied to any specific allegation, event, or timeframe.

“Will forgive you” speaks to a future time. As of the writing of this statement, the subject has not forgiven Steven Anderson.

However, your duty before God is to come clean with your sin and to publicly repent and admit sin.

The importance of public image is noted again. Also, deity is brought in as a means to bolster the subject’s position. Such is always flagged as “weakness” of the position it seeks to defend. However, given the religious background of both Steven Anderson and the subject, and the context in general, such reference could be appropriate.

In the subject’s verbalized perception of reality, it now becomes Steven Anderson’s “duty before God” to come to the defense of the subject by exposing his own sins. This is to equate Christian duty towards God with the what the subject feels is Steven Anderson’s duty toward him. It speaks to God complex on the part of the subject.

The language of “coming clean” is incongruent with the idea that Steven Anderson’s accusations and slander have been very public, as the subject is keenly aware of. Thus, Steven Anderson should not need to “come clean” with things everyone already knows about. The subject’s choice of wording is noted as possible leakage of someone who feels he, himself, has the need to “come clean” on certain things.

Here is the biblical standard. I trust you'll pause long enough to consider your failure here.

"Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses." - 1 Timothy 5:19

"Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness." - Exodus 23:1

"Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour; I am the Lord." - Leviticus 19:16

"16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren." - Proverbs 6

Your public slander, false witness, and gossip is something you will have to give an account for, Steven.

Order speaks to priority. Again, “public” slander takes priority over “false witness.” The public’s view is of the highest priority to the subject, more so than the allegation of being a homosexual.

The sinful things Steven Anderson will one day have to account for (deity noted as a bolster again) are listed in general terms, not as wrongs done to the subject himself.

So far, the subject has not told us, “Steven Anderson falsely accused me of xyz”. He has only stated that Steven Anderson has accused him (but not falsely), which is technically correct. He has also told us that Steven Anderson will one day have to give account of miscellaneous sins that the subject has not specifically related to himself. The reader should be aware that by making two such statements without actually connecting them into one, the subject is deceptively trying to lead the reader into making this connection for himself.

However, if the subject is unwilling to say for himself that Steven Anderson falsely accused him concerning dismissal from the military on the basis of homosexuality, we cannot say it for him.

I do pray for you, sir.

The “do” is an unnecessary word, making it doubly important. Does the subject use it to convince Steven Anderson that he does, in fact, pray for him? Such weakness is a signal of deception. It is therefore doubtful that the subject offers sincere prayers on the part of Steven Anderson.

And I am hopeful that humility will fall and you will be broken and humble enough to admit error, confess sin, and repent of your pattern of life. You have a lot of false witness and slander to account for.

The concept of humility “falling” is very unusual. It is, however, congruent with the concept of being broken and humbled, all used in the context of what the subject hopes for Steven Anderson. This suggests that his real hope is to see Steven Anderson “fall”, be “broken”, and “humbled.”

Such language is also the language of abuse, and could be a signal of portrayal/projection/perseveration on the part of the subject. Is there something in his past that “broke” and “humbled” him, that he feels he needs to “come clean” with, but is concerned about his “public” image?

As for my part, I am happy to forgive you publicly and to not abuse you for exercising humility if you publicly repent for your pattern of slander and false witness.

This sentence is very alarming. The subject says he will be “happy to forgive… and not abuse … for exercising humility” Coupled with the previous statement, such language strongly suggests that the subject was himself abused, in spite of humbling himself and acquiescing to the demands of his abuser(s).

The subject says he will be happy not to abuse Steven Anderson “if” certain demands are met. That is to say that if his demands are not met, he would like to abuse Steven Anderson. He has now moved from his past abuse, to the possibility of perpetuating such abuse himself.

Emphasis on public perception noted again.

The subject continues to use wording that suggests a general “pattern of slander” on the part of Steven Anderson, but is unable or unwilling to say that he, himself, was falsely accused by Steven Anderson regarding his military dismissal or otherwise. 

1. You falsely accused me of being a drunk. Anyone who knows me, my life, and ministry, knows this is pure slander and false witness.

Here, finally, comes the first specific mention of what the subject perceives as a false accusation. It is regarding his drinking. The subject should be asked regarding his personal definition of what makes a “drunk.” Since his internal dictionary definition does not match up with that of Steven Anderson, he can truthfully and reliably deny being a drunk simply because of how he defines a “drunk.”

The priority of drinking over the issue at hand (military dismissal due to homosexuality) is noted. The subject is stalling, using an abundance of words and other issues to avoid getting to the topic at hand.
As evidence for not being a drunk, the subject refers back to those who know him (which is to seek cover in a crowd), his life (a general pattern he seeks to extend to this specific area), and “ministry”. It is interesting that he leaves off the personal pronoun “my” before ministry, unlike he did with “my life”. Human beings are very possessive. Pronouns are extremely reliable and telling. While the subject takes ownership of his life, he makes no such personal connection to “ministry.” He does not view it as “his” ministry, calling, or life’s work. It is what he does, but it is not as important or of personal significance to him as his life.

2. You accused my wife of being a drunk.

The wording is almost identical to the first sentence of point 1 above, with the only difference being the omission of the word “falsely” here. To say that his wife was accused of being a drunk is not to say that she was falsely accused, and that she is not a drunk. The subject was careful to make that distinction in defending himself, yet offers no such defense of his wife.

It is also noted that defending his wife comes second to defending himself, but before addressing the issue at hand (military discharge) which the subject continues to avoid.

“my wife” is an incomplete social introduction as it leaves off the name of his wife. This could be an indication of distance in the husband-wife relationship.

Anyone who knows her knows this is laughable false witness.

“Accusation” here becomes “false witness”, and “laughable” at that. What caused this change in language? It is the bringing in those who know her, the crowd. They know her not to be a drunk, something that the subject, her husband, would not himself claim of her. Is it possible that his wife only drinks excessively (by definition of the subject) in private? 

“Her” is to avoid using his wife’s name, again indicating a distance between husband and wife.

You are also treading on very dangerous ground insulting, slandering, and bearing false witness about another man's wife.

The subject does not say, “bearing false witness about my wife.” He speaks in general terms, about “another man’s wife.” He does not claim connection to his wife. The distance between the subject and his wife is now acute.

The threat of danger is noted. This is congruent with the “abuse” threatened above “if” certain expectation of public humiliation are not met.

Steven, respectfully, imagine if I publicly accused your wife of being an abusive mother. One, is it true? Two, how would I know? Three, what does God command me regarding accusations?

“respectfully” is repeated from the beginning of the statement, which indicates heightened sensitivity. Does the subject feel a need to persuade Steven Anderson of his respectful attitude? Does the subject feel threatened, and seeks the mitigate the perceived threat by attempting to come across as “respectful”? This would be in line with a history of abuse.

Extreme priority of public perception noted again.

3. You have now created a history of false witness and slander to the degree that slander, gossip, and lies have flowed from your tongue with ease.
Example: things as silly as suggesting that Apologia Church is a "flop". Steven, one, how would you know? Two, that's a lie. Our church is (by the grace of God) in our 10th year and we are thriving, growing, and have even run out of space. Yet, you bore false witness with ease. More can be said.

However, I'm happy to answer your question. Again, the godly thing and obedient thing would have been to contact me before you sinned, lied, and slandered.

Here, the subject announces that he will now “happily” answer the question at hand. Such a positive, upbeat attitude is unexpected given the seriousness of the allegation. It is an indication that the subject seeks to come across as ‘unfazed’ by the allegation. Again, such need to persuade suggests that just the opposite is true.

Instead of answering the question as promised, the subject continues to talk about the sins of Steven Anderson, seeking to discredit his witness by establishing a “pattern” and “history” of slander etc. This is to undermine the messenger, and is typically seen when the message, itself, cannot be refuted.

I must point out to you that you are demonstrably in sin here. You are asking me AFTER you have spread a false report and slander. Again, I am happy to forgive you but it will take humility, integrity, and repentance on your part.

The subject would have us believe that happiness continues and is abounding.

The language of “obedience” coupled with “humility” in the context of repeated mentions of sin continues to point to past abuse.

I was absolutely NEVER kicked out of the Marines for being a homosexual.

This is not a reliable denial. A reliable denial would have been, “I was not kicked out of the Marines for being a homosexual.” “Never", in an open statement, is vague in time.  When the point of the question is directed to a specific event at a specific time, and the person answers, "I did not do xyz" it is, statistically, very likely that the person is truthful. If the person says, "I never did xyz", it is not reliable, statistically, and the person could be lying. It is not reliable.
“Never” speaks to a process of time, or events that occur repeatedly. It cannot be reliably used in the context of one-time events, such as being discharged from the military on bad terms. Just as someone would not say, “I was never born in California,” saying “I was never kicked out for being a homosexual” makes no sense because it would have been a one-time only event.
The denial is further weakened by seeking to bolster it through the use of ALL CAPS, and the unnecessary addition of the word “absolutely.”
The original question asked of the subject was, “Apparently you were discharged for homosexuality?” In his ‘denial,’ the subject changes “discharged” to “kicked out.” This begs the question whether the subject has a different internal definition of discharged vs. kicked out.

If he, as alleged by Steven Anderson, self-reported to the drill instructor as being a homosexual so as to be discharged on the grounds of the then in-effect policy of “don’t ask, don’t tell”, such a discharge could be viewed differently from being “kicked out” due to being caught. This is similar to those who lose their job saying, “I was not fired, I quit.” The impetus for the discharge ultimately came from the subject himself, whereas he might perceive being “kicked out” as stemming purely from decisions outside his control.

I never have been a homosexual.

The unusual sentence structure is noted, with “never” coming before “have.” Using “never” allows the subject to avoid saying “I have not been..” As stated above, never is vague in time and thus not reliable.

The subject should be questioned regarding his definition of a homosexual. Just as with “drunk”, his internal definition might be different from the expected norm. Maybe the fact that he is married and has a family technically makes him a “bisexual.” Maybe he thinks that homosexuals, by definition, have to meet certain criteria that he, himself, does not meet, such as seeking only after men.

I was administratively discharged after a couple of weeks in boot camp because my testimony to the chaplain about severe abuses led to my life and several others being put in danger.

Here, we see again the difference in language, now going back to “discharged”. What changed it from “kicked out” to “discharged”? The subject’s testimony to the chaplain (inclusion of deity). This confirms that in the subject’s mind, there is a difference between being “kicked out” (something that happened without his doing, outside his control) and being “discharged” (something initiated by the subject himself). Even if the above denial had been reliable, the subject thus far has still not told us that he was not discharged for being a homosexual, only that he was not kicked out over that. It is a minor difference that allows the subject to technically speak truthfully in his own mind, while being deceptive and misleading.

“my life … being put in danger” is passive. It conceals who put his life in danger. Such passivity is appropriate if the subject does not know who was the one to threaten him. Otherwise, it is an indication that the subject seeks to hide the identity of whoever threatened him.

They begged me to stay after an official investigation.

It is difficult to imagine the powerful United States military, second-to-none in the world, “begging” a new recruit to stay on.

Such language continues the theme of past abuse, perseverated in this event.

I chose to leave after it was obvious that my life was in danger. Several Marine Drill Instructors were threatening my life and I had to be put under protection. They had an official investigation and halted the platoon's training. Several men tried to escape. Some tried to kill themselves. I almost stayed. However, when they were giving me time to decide if I wanted to stay, three Marine Drill Instructors threatened my life (again) at the Mess Hall.

“Leaving” is the only other thing (besides giving a reason without being asked) that is flagged in the highest level of sensitivity (blue). It is impossible to go somewhere without first leaving somewhere else. The fact that “leaving” is mentioned unnecessarily points to the fact that something happened at the place that was “left” which caused the subject’s mind to linger there. Most often, this is due to rushing and being pressed for time. When that is not the case, it is indicative of missing information.

Going from the again passive “my life was in danger” to “several Marine Drill Instructors were threatening my life” to “three Marine Drill Instructors threatened my life” is a change in language that is likely indicative of a change of reality. Something changed that made it known to the subject what the source of the threats was. The Mess Hall is mentioned as a minor detail, possibly in a bid to bolster the veracity of this account.

Three is sometimes flagged as the “liar’s number” and thus considered not reliable. This is due to the fact that statistically, if a deceptive person has to pick a random number to use, three is picked more often than any other number.

The Commander of the base was asking me to give them another chance in a new platoon.

We now see a Marine Corps base commander, the highest official on site, continue in the vein of begging a new recruit to stay on as a sort of personal favor. This is most unusual.

After the last threat on my life, he and I agreed it was no longer safe and that I should leave. I left as MY decision. It was an administrative discharge.

We now have a “cluster of blues.” This points to missing information, not rushing, having produced the repeated mentions of “leaving.” Something happened here that the subject is deceptively withholding from his account. 

Here, we conclusively see the subject equating “MY decision” = “an administrative discharge”. This voids the earlier denial of “I was absolutely NEVER kicked out” (which was a non-denial) as pertinent to the question of “discharge.” The subject makes a clear distinction between being kicked out vs. discharged. He has only told us that he was not kicked out for homosexuality, he has told us he was discharged, but he has not told us he was not discharged due to homosexuality.

You are guilty here, Steven. I want to be merciful to you. However, you need to repent, have integrity, confess sin, and change your ways.

The subject does not feel merciful toward Steven Anderson. It is only a stated goal of his, after his demands have been met.

SA: Are you denying telling the drill instructor that you were a homosexual?
Can you just answer my simple question? You are accusing me of slander. Please answer my question.

JD: I'm more than happy to answer more questions, Steven. After, you don't ignore everything I just wrote to you.
You are guilty, Steven.

The happiness continues, while the subject avoids answering the question of whether he told the drill instructor that he was a homosexual. To not answer the question is to answer the question.

SA: Cut the crap. I don't have "more questions." I have one question.
The epistle you wrote me accusing me of slander is meaningless if what I said is substantially true. You were discharged from the military because of you being perceived as homosexual.
It's a simple question: Are you denying telling the drill instructor that you were a homosexual?

JD: No. I wasn't. You clearly didn't even read what was written to you. Try again, Steven. You can do it, sir.

The “No. I wasn’t.” apparently is in response to “You were discharged from the military because of you being perceived as homosexual.” It lacks one of the three necessary elements of a reliable denial (mention of the specific allegation).

The use of “Steven” is incongruous with that of “sir.” This suggest disingenuity

SA: I read every word you wrote.

JD: They asked me to stay.
You didn't read that?
Are you in a hurry?
Not paying attention?

The subject refers back to the question “Were you discharged from the military because of you being perceived as homosexual” with “They asked me to stay.” This is a technicality over who was responsible for the discharge, not what caused it.

It does not contradict the possibility of the subject telling the drill instructor that he was a homosexual, and thus causing his own discharge. In essence, the subject only denies that he was kicked out / discharged against his will, not the underlying cause of such discharge. “I heard you were kicked out for being a homosexual.” – “I wasn’t kicked out, they wanted me to stay.” The subject does not deny the part about being a homosexual, only the specifics of his discharge.

SA: Let me try to understand your answer: "No, I wasn't" denying that you told the drill instructor you were a homosexual?
It's a simple question: Are you denying you told the drill instructor that you were a homosexual?

JD: Again, when you cease ignoring what was written to you I'll respond.

Refusal to answer the question continues. The falsely accused should stand ready to reliably and strongly defend himself against false allegations. So far, we have only seen avoidance of the question and mincing of words.

SA: "They asked me to stay"
Okay, I got that. Did you tell the drill instructor you were a homosexual?

JD: Right. You wrote: "You were discharged from the military because of you being perceived as homosexual."
So let me see you acknowledge the error.

It is unclear if “Right.” should be understood in response to “Did you tell the drill instructor you were a homosexual?”, in which case it would confirm the supposedly false accusation.

The subject taunts Steven Anderson, offering to issue a denial in exchange for Steven Anderson acknowledging error. Such is not characteristic of an innocent person that is falsely accused. The expected would be a strong desire to defend oneself against false accusations.

The subject says he wants to “see” Steven Anderson acknowledge error. This continues in the vein of subtle threats, and a desire to “see” his opponent humiliated and in need of “mercy.”

SA: You telling the drill instructor that you were a homosexual ultimately led to your dismissal from the marine corps.
You are splitting hairs.

JD: No, sir.
More false witness.
You have a pattern here.

SA: Okay, let's try this one last time. Last chance: Are you denying you told the drill instructor that you were a homosexual?

JD: I pray you find some men to speak into your life.
When you begin acting like a man with integrity I'll be happy to continue this conversation.

Religious language (prayer) enters again, possibly to seek the guise of godliness for malicious intents. The continued disingenuous use of “sir” seeks to do the same.

The introduction of “men” that are needed to “speak into” the life of Steven Anderson is possible indication of same-sex attraction on the part of the subject, projected onto his perceived opponent.

SA: That answers my question. Thank you.

To not answer the question is to answer the question. The innocent are eager to proclaim their innocence.

JD: Let me see you acknowledge the clear and undeniable error.
You are a very dishonest man, Steven.
Easily refuted.
Very dangerous.

The theme of wishing to “see” Steven Anderson continues.

SA: Very dangerous to your scam.

Part C: Conclusion

The subject, Jeff Durbin, is deceptive regarding the circumstances that led to his discharge from the US Marine Corps boot camp.

He does not issue a reliable denial in regards to being a homosexual.

He does not issue a reliable denial regarding his wife being a drunk. He only issues a reliable denial in regards to himself being a drunk. However, this denial comes down to his personal definition of what makes a “drunk.”

His language indicates a strained / distant husband-wife relationship. Defending himself takes priority over defending his wife.

The subject’s highest priority is the public’s perception of him. Furthermore, he wants to be perceived as “happy” and “respectful,” as juxtaposed to the “slanderous” and “dangerous” Steven Anderson.

The subject shows repeated signals of having been a victim of abuse himself.

The subject shows signs of religious grandeur in repeatedly equating himself with deity.

The subject’s goal is for Steven Anderson to “fall” and be publicly humiliated. In his words, he reveals that he would like to personally “see” this humiliation. He leaves open the option of “abusing” Steven Anderson if his demands are not met.

Analisis Harga Bitcoin: Signal Breakout BTC Jika 4.500 Dollar Tertembus

Analisis Harga Bitcoin: Signal Breakout BTC Jika 4.500 Dollar Tertembus

Harga Bitcoin berhasil naik di atas level resisten kuat 4.150 dollar. BTC tampaknya akan diperdagangkan di atas area resistensi $ 4.400-4.500 dalam waktu dekat ini.

Indikator teknis:

MACD Per Jam – Berjalan menuju zona bullish.

RSI Per Jam – RSI saat ini dibawah level 50.

Level Support – 4.050 dollar

Level Resisten – 4.400 dollar

Harga Bitcoin berhasil menembus level resistensi 4.150 dan 4.200 dollar.

Ada penembusan di atas garis tren bearish utama dengan resistensi di 4.040 dollar pada grafik per jam.

Harga saat ini diperdagangkan dengan bias bullish dan bisa memperpanjang kenaikan di atas 4.500 dollar.

Setelah koreksi turun minor, harga bitcoin menemukan titik support di kisaran harga 3.780 dollar dan terus mengalami kenaikan. Dan akhirnya, dapat menembus level resisten 4.150 dan 4.200 dollar.

Ada penembusan di atas garis tren bearish utama dengan resistance di 4.040 dollar pada grafik per jam nya. Pasangan ini saat ini berkonsolidasi di dekat level 4.200 dollar dan tampaknya memiliki peluang kuat untuk terus naik.

Lihat grafik diatas, harga bitcoin berada baik di zona bullish di atas harga 4.000 dollar. Pembeli cenderung akan terus mendorong harga hingga mencapai 4.400 dan 4.500 dollar dalam waktu dekat.


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Menurut Para Analis, Ethereum Constantinopel Akan Memicu Bullish

Menurut Para Analis, Ethereum Constantinopel Akan Memicu Bullish

Market crypto kini sudah kembali pulih atau mengalami tren positif, Ethereum (ETH) telah mengalami kenaikan harga, bergerak dari 81 dollar ke 150 dollar dalam beberapa minggu ini. Dalam mode crypto klasik, reli monumental ini, yang hampir sebanyak 2 kali lipat dari nilai rendah Ether (81 dollar), tidak didukung oleh katalis yang jelas. Beberapa faktor mungkin merupakan potensi dari munculnya futures yang didukung ETH, sementara yang lain mungkin merupakan upgrade yang akan datang nanti terkait Ethereum (Constantinople).

Seorang analis crypto, Alex Krüger, baru-baru ini melakukan analisa, terkait apakah Constantinople dapat memicu pergerakan harga Ether untuk terus naik.

Bullish Atau Bearish?

Kami terangkan kembali, Constantinople adalah upgrade penting selanjutnya dalam timeline Ethereum, karena aktivasi protokol akan membawa satu blok rantai lebih dekat ke Serenity (scaling, Proof of Stake, dll). Sementara itu juga ada sejumlah peningkatan skala jangka pendek yang berkaitan dengan Constantinople, peluncuran protokol, dijadwalkan akan terjadi pada 16 Januari yang juga akan mengurangi reward blok dari tiga menjadi dua Eter.

Dengan mempertimbangkan teori penawaran dan permintaan yang sederhana, dan juga melihat aksi harga dari perubahan reward sebelum dan sesudah blok Bitcoin berganti, banyak yang mengira dan memprediksi bahwa ini akan menjadi permulaan peningkatan yang positif untuk ETH. Krüger mendukung sentimen ini, mengklaim bahwa dalam jangka panjang, apa yang disebut block reward “thirdening” secara jelas akan berimbas bullish.

Menariknya lagi analis ini juga mencatat bahwa berita mengenai fork Constantinople tidak secara cepat dapat mendorong pergerakan harga Ether selama beberapa hari terakhir namun akan berjalan secara bertahap dan butuh waktu yang lama. Krüger menjelaskan bahwa setelah tanggal diputuskannya untuk aktivasi upgrade tersebut, ETH akan melonjak selama sehari, sebelum turun selama delapan hari berturut-turut karena market masih dalam periode bearish. Selain itu, pengurangan hadiah atau reward blok ini nantinya akan ditentukan pada 31 Agustus.

Analisis historis dengan proporsi yang sama tidak membantu, karena pengurangan emisi Ether sebelumnya terhadap harga Ethereum bervariasi setiap waktunya.

Kruger juga sempat membahas mengenai prospek kesehatan penambangan cryptocurrency.

Apa Yang Mempengaruhi Pump ETH?

Sementara ini pandangan banyak orang Constantinople akan menjadi katalis bullish untuk Ether, namun ada beberapa orang yang masih bingung dengan alasan mengapa aset tersebut naik hingga 60% dalam seminggu terakhir ini. Ada sejumlah faktor yang bisa memberikan penjelasan mengenai kenaikan ETH.

Beberapa hari yang lalu, ada berita bahwa Consensus Systems (ConsenSys) dikabarkan melakukan pengurangan stafnya dan hal ini dikaitkan dengan pasar bearish yang sedang terjadi. The Verge, yang mengabarkan berita itu, mengklaim bahwa startup yang bermarkas di New York akan memutuskan hubungan dengan juru bicara, proyek-proyek internal, Proyek Ethereum atau ConsenSys itu sendiri. Dilaporkan ada pemecatan sebanyak 50% ~ 60% dari 1.200 karyawan yang ada di perusahaan, banyak di antaranya dipekerjakan dalam satu tahun terakhir saja.

Melihat bahwa ConsenSys pada dasarnya adalah Blockstream Ethereum, karena banyak dari ruji-ruji memainkan peran kunci dalam ekosistem, banyak yang berpikir bahwa ETH akan mengalami kematian. Namun, pada jam sebelas, Joseph Lubin, yang merupakan salah satu pendiri Ethereum dan kepala ConsenSys, muncul untuk menyelamatkan perusahaan.

Pada saat yang sama, pengusaha teknologi tersebut mengungkapkan bahwa apa yang telah dialami market crypto khususnya ETH ia menyebutnya sebagai crypto bottom pada 2018/2019, karena FUD (ketakutan, ketidakpastian, dan keraguan) yang telah membombardir komunitas akhir-akhir ini.

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Meningkatnya Mining Difficulty Akan Membawa Bitcoin Ke 17.000 Dollar Tahun 2020

Meningkatnya Mining Difficulty Akan Membawa Bitcoin Ke 17.000 Dollar Tahun 2020

‘Prediksi yang tidak lazim’ mengenai peningkatan mining difficulty yang akan membawa harga bitcoin dikisaran harga 17.000 dollar pada tahun 2020 nanti – adakah hubungan yang saling mempengaruhi di antara keduanya.

Hubungan antara Harga dan Difficulty

Salah satu pengguna Twitter dengan username @100trillionUSD kembali membuat prediksi dengan grafik menarik – kali ini ia mengkorelasikan hubungan antara harga dengan mining difficulty bitcoin yang akan terjadi di waktu mendatang.

Grafik diatas memvisualisasikan hubungan antara reward mining bitcoin yang berkurang sebanyak 50 persen dan dampaknya pada harga dari waktu ke waktu. Kali ini fokusnya adalah pada mining difficulty dan harga, karena banyak analis menganggap ada sebuah keterkaitan erat dengan jaringan hash rate.

“Harga Bitcoin mengikuti pergerakan hashrate,” kata Max Keizer awal tahun ini.

Mining tidak diragukan lagi menguntungkan ketika hash ratenya meningkat. Namun, tingkat hash yang tinggi juga menyebabkan mining difficulty Bitcoin meningkat. Ini membuat proses penambangan yang lebih intensif karena akan ada lebih banyak hash power yang diperlukan untuk mencapai hasil yang sama seperti pada tingkat difficulty yang rendah.

Jika hash rate terlalu tinggi dibandingkan dengan harga (seperti yang kita lihat pada tahun ini), penambang yang tidak mendapatkan keuntungan kemungkinan besar akan mematikan operasinya. Mereka akan menjual peralatan mereka atau hanya mematikan rig mereka sampai harga pulih kembali atau difficulty nya mulai turun kembali.

“Berdasarkan hasil jajak pendapat tentang difficulty bitcoin dan hubungan antara harga dengan difficulty bitcoin (lihat rumus di bawah), prediksi yang didapat untuk harga bitcoin pada tahun 2020 adalah: 17.317 dollar,” jelas 100trillionUSD.

Secara keseluruhan, 85 persen responden percaya difficulty akan meningkat 10-100 kali lipat dalam dua tahun ke depan. Sementara itu, hanya 10 persen yang berpikir ini adalah awal dari akhir untuk mining Bitcoin atau yang sering disebut sebagai ‘spiral kematian’.

Sebagian besar responden (59 persen) mengharapkan difficulty untuk terus naik 10x pada akhir tahun 2020. Namun, kelompok lain (27 persen), percaya bahwa kenaikannya bisa setinggi 100X, yang akan membawa harga Bitcoin ke kisaran 28.000 dollar.

Walaupun, ukuran sampel jajak pendapat ini agak kecil hanya dengan lebih dari 250 suara. Namun hal ini dapat menarik kesimpulan, bahwa mining difficulty merupakan faktor penting yang perlu dipertimbangkan untuk memprediksi harga BTC dan juga mengevaluasi keadaan jaringan secara keseluruhan.

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Minggu, 23 Desember 2018

Survei: Hanya 3% Orang Amerika Yang Akan Menggunakan Blockchain Banking

Survei: Hanya 3% Orang Amerika Yang Akan Menggunakan Blockchain Banking

Survei ini dilakukan ke 5.000 pengguna internet Amerika dilakukan dari berbagai kelompok umur.

Foton survei telah melaporkan bahwa hanya 3% orang Amerika yang siap menggunakan produk atau aplikasi Blockchain Banking (perbankan yang berbasis blockchain), jika diberi kesempatan.

34% lainnya mengatakan bahwa mereka akan siap untuk menggunakan Blockchain Banking jika mereka sudah benar-benar siap, namun untuk saat ini mereka belum siap. 63% lainnya merasa tidak senang menggunakan solusi Blockchain Banking menurut survei.

Selain itu ada survei juga yang menunjukkan bahwa saat ini 90% bank Amerika Utara & Eropa sedang mengeksplorasi blockchain, jauh melebihi proyeksi IBM tentang masa depan perbankan blockchain yang dibuat pada 2017 ketika teknologi mulai muncul dalam skala besar di sektor keuangan. Itu menunjukkan bahwa 2019 akan ada perkembangan besar tentang teknologi ini. Perkiraan nilai blockchain akan naik hingga triliunan pada tahun 2030 nanti.

Banyak dari sektor perbankan yang mulai diam dan memperhatikan, bahkan membentuk 5 konsorsium yang dipimpin oleh HSBC dan Standard Chartered, yang mulai menggunakan teknologi ledger terdistribusi (DLT) untuk memproses transaksi keuangan perdagangan secara langsung.


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Analisis Harga Bitcoin Mingguan: BTC Masih Dalam Periode Bullish, Target Uji Harga 5.000 Dollar

Analisis Harga Bitcoin Mingguan: BTC Masih Dalam Periode Bullish, Target Uji Harga 5.000 Dollar

Bitcoin Masih berada di jalur bullish. BTC/USD masih mempunyai peluang besar untuk tetap bullish hingga 4.500 dollar bahkan lebih.

Indikator teknis:

MACD per 4 jam – bergerak ke zona bullish.

RSI per 4 jam – di atas level 60.

Garis Support – 3.770 dollar

Garis Resisten – 4.175 dollar

Minggu-minggu ini harga Bitcoin mengalami kenaikan dan menembus level resistensi 3.770 dollar.

Ada garis segitiga yang terbentuk dengan resistansi di kisaran harga 4080 dollar grafik per 4 jam.

Dorongan pasar saat ini cenderung untuk menembus level resistensi pada harga 4.080 dan 4.150 dollar dan akan menyebabkan reli harga ke 4.500 hingga 5.000 dollar jika pembeli berhasil mendorong rekasi pasar.

Harga bitcoin mengalami pemulihan yang kuat di atas level resistensi 3.200 dollar. BTC/USD terus naik dan menembus level resistensi 3.580 dan 3.770 dollar selama seminggu ini. Titik tertinggi yang sempat dicapai di kisaran 4.175 dollar dan sekarang masih terjadi koreksi harga. Koreksi kenaikan harga hingga mencapai 3,900 dollar dari harga tertingginya yang baru dicapai di 4.175 dollar, dan untuk sementara ini 3.770 dollar bertindak sebagai support yang solid.

Ada segitiga yang terbentuk dengan resistansi di harga 4.080 dollar grafik per 4 jam. Segitiga ini nantinya akan menjadi pola kelanjutan bullish menuju level 4.175 dan 4.300 dollar. Jika level 4.100 dan 4.150 tertembus kemungkinan besar akan terjadi kenaikan harga secara lanjut. Seterusnya jika harga naik hingga menembus level harga 4.175 dollar, harga bisa naik menuju 4.500 atau bahkan bisa mencapai 5.000 dollar per Bitcoinnya.

Grafik dari TredingView

Selama level harga 3.580 dollar tidak tertembus, harga masih memiliki kesempatan untuk terus naik menuju 4.200, 4.500 hingga 5.000 dollar.

Gambar diambil dari satoshiuncle

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Sabtu, 22 Desember 2018

Eksekutif Crypto Exchange di Korean UPbit Dituntut Karena Kasus Penipuan

Eksekutif Crypto Exchange di Korean UPbit Dituntut Karena Kasus Penipuan

Para eksekutif UPbit, yang merupakan salah satu bursa pertukaran mata uang digital terbesar di Korea Selatan, secara resmi dituntut oleh jaksa penuntut di negara itu. Menurut laporan dari media besar CoinDesk Korea pada hari Jumat minggu ini, Kantor Jaksa Penuntut Umum distrik Seoul bagian selatan telah mendakwa tiga anggota staf senior, termasuk pendiri Song Chi-Hyung, atas tuduhan penipuan.

Para eksekutif itu dituduh melakukan transaksi penipuan pada bulan September hingga Desember di tahun lalu, menggunakan akun perusahaan yang palsu untuk membuat pesanan palsu senilai 254 triliun won (atau setara dengan $ 226,2 miliar) untuk menaikkan volume perdagangan dan menarik lebih banyak pelanggan ke bursa pertukaran tersebut.

Mereka juga dituduh menjual 11.550 bitcoin kepada pelanggan di bursa tersebut untuk meraup untung sebesar 150 miliar won (atau $ 133,8 juta) melalui transaksi palsu.

Namun, UPbit membantah tuduhan tersebut dan menyatakan bahwa, “Perusahaan menyediakan likuiditas ke akun perusahaan Perseroan untuk menstabilkan pasar perdagangan pada awal pembukaan layanan. Periode ini dari 24 September 2017 hingga 11 Desember 2017. ”Ia juga menambahkan bahwa akun perusahaan tersebut tidak memiliki fungsi penarikan.

Bursa tersebut juga menyatakan bahwa perusahaan “tidak mendapat manfaat keuntungan” selama proses ini, meskipun mereka mengakui telah melakukan beberapa transaksi lebih awal untuk tujuan pemasaran selama dua bulan. Hal tersebut tidak mempengaruhi pasar, UPbit mengklaim, mereka hanya mengucurkan sekitar 3 persen dari total volume pada saat itu.

Pada bulan Maret lalu, jaksa penuntut umum juga telah menggerebek kantor pusat UPbit di distrik Gangnam-gu, dengan menyita hard disk dan buku-buku akuntingnya. Dalam kasus tersebut Bursa pertukaran diduga melakukan penipuan karena menjual cryptocurrency yang sebenarnya tidak ada kepada pelanggan.

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Mining Crypto Mengalami Crash Menyebabkan Kinerja Produsen GPU Nvidia Menurut S&P 500 Memburuk

Mining Crypto Mengalami Crash Menyebabkan Kinerja Produsen GPU Nvidia Menurut S&P 500 Memburuk

Penurunan secara signifikan dalam profitabilitas penambangan crypto telah membuat produsen graphics processing unit (GPU) seperti Nvidia yang berbasis di Taiwan mengalami kinerja yang buruk. Pada Q4 2018, perusahaan mengalami penjualan besar-besaran sahamnya, menurunkan harga saham sebesar 54 persen dan menjadikannya sebagai pemain terburuk di S&P 500, menurut laporan CNBC pada 21 Desember.

Dilihat dari tahun 2016 hingga 2018, nilai pasar Nvidia meningkat dari $ 14 miliar menjadi $ 175 miliar yang disebabkan oleh melambungnya permintaan GPU dalam artificial intelligence (AI) serta naiknya tren mining cryptocurrency. Pada akhir Q1 tahun ini mereka melakukan rekap laporan keuntungannya serta melampirkan laporan keuangan yang akan mengalami penurunan pada Q2 tahun ini pada penjualan miner nya.

Nvidia juga memperkirakan penjualan miner crypto yang akan mengalami penurunan secara signifikan di Q3, sementara itu laporan triwulanan pada November juga mengungkapkan bahwa penjualan GPU untuk aplikasi yang terkait dengan blockchain telah menurun drastis hampir tidak ada penjualan sama sekali. CEO Nvidia Jensen Huang mengatakan bahwa “hasil jangka pendek perusahaan mencerminkan inventaris saluran berlebih pasca boom cryptocurrency, akan diperbaiki.”

Selain penurunan penjualan miner crypto, segmen pusat data Nvidia juga gagal memenuhi harapan Wall Street, meskipun pendapatan mengalami pertumbuhan sebesar 58 persen. Hari ini, saham Nvidia turun sebanyak 4,09 persen, ditutup pada $ 129,57.

Stock chip secara keseluruhan berkinerja buruk pada tahun ini. PHLX Semiconductor Index, yang melacak produsen perangkat keras utama seperti Nvidia dan Advanced Micro Systems (AMD) turun sebanyak 20,37 persen selama tiga bulan terakhir. Harga saham AMD turun sebanyak 45,42 persen dibandingkan periode yang sama.

Hardware miner saat ini sedang mengalami penurunan harga yang sangat signifikan. Graphics processing unit (GPU) Radeon RX580 yang populer di AMD, yang telah banyak digunakan oleh penambang crypto, sekarang dijual dengan harga $ 180, turun sebanyak 67 persen dari harga rata-rata puncaknya kisaran $ 550 pada Februari 2018 lalu.

Penurunan profitabilitas di pasar bearish saat ini telah menyebabkan beberapa miner meninggalkan bisnisnya. Beberapa perusahaan pertambangan di Cina telah menjual perangkat keras lamanya untuk mengurangi kerugian mereka. Menurut laporan media lokal, pendapatan dari kegiatan mining saat ini tidak lagi cukup untuk menutupi biaya listrik dan biaya terkait lainnya.

Gambar Nvidia

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Jumat, 21 Desember 2018

Mengapa Pasar Asia Lebih Berdampak Pada Harga Bitcoin Dari Pada Amerika dan Eropa?

Mengapa Pasar Asia Lebih Berdampak Pada Harga Bitcoin Dari Pada Amerika dan Eropa?

Jika kita lihat dari fakta yang ada, keputusan persetujuan SEC terhadap ETF Bitcoin serta cryptocurrency dapat mendorong pasar/market untuk bullish dan hal itu pastinya akan keluar dari Amerika Serikat. Namun, menurut penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa Asia adalah penggerak dominan pada harga Bitcoin dan pasar Cryptocurrency bukan dari barat (Amerika dan Eropa).

Meskipun benar faktanya bahwa kubu barat telah memberikan banyak dominasi atas pasar aset yang mainstream, hal yang sama tidak selalu berlaku untuk Bitcoin dan pasar altcoin.

Menurut Mosaic, sebuah perusahaan data dan penelitian cryptocurrency, perkembangan di Asia memberikan efek yang jauh lebih besar pada pasar mata uang digital ini jika dibandingkan dengan Amerika dan Eropa.

Grafik dari

Perusahaan riset tersebut mengatakan ada 11 perkembangan berita utama dari Asia mengenai cryptocurrency. Headline ini mempengaruhi pasar dengan rata-rata 18,61 persen.

Kejadian yang paling mengejutkan terjadi pada awal tahun ini ketika CoinMarketCap menghapus data dari bursa Korea Selatan. Menurut Mosaic, peristiwa tunggal ini memberikan efek crash pasar lebih dari 57 persen.

Kemudian pada pertengahan tahun ini ketika harga BTC mengalami kenaikan dari 6.200 menjadi 8.000 dollar, hal ini dipicu oleh berita yang keluar dari Asia. Kabarnya, sebagian warga di China mulai beralih ke Bitcoin sebagai alat penyimpanan nilai karena pemerintah mempercepat devaluasi mata uangnya.

Dominasi di wilayah Asia tidak berhenti disini saja, selain berita positif atau negatif yang dapat mempengaruhi harga BTC, Asia juga mendominasi Mining dan bursa pertukaran cryptocurrency.

Asia mendominasi baik landscape pertambangan atau mining dan bursa pertukaran. Bahkan selain China, di tempat lain seperti Singapura, Hong Kong, Jepang, dan Korea Selatan merupakan hotspot untuk segala macam platform pertukaran mata uang digital serta bisnis terkait.

Mengapa informasi ini sangat relevan? Nah, terlepas dari kesimpulan volume perdagangan yang ada di setiap bursa tersebut, ada juga pengaruh dari komponen bahasa. Di bursa pertukaran Asia pada umumnya, layanan bursa mereka juga menawarkan pengalaman penggunanya dengan bahasa lokal mereka, hal ini akan memberi kesan pada perdagangan ke penduduk lokal setempat. Ditambah lagi dengan biaya listrik yang relatif lebih murah (terutama Cina) yang masih menjadi pemain dominan dalam industri pertambangan bitcoin.

Awal tahun ini, Arthur Hayes, CEO dari platform BitMex yang berbasis di Hong Kong, mengatakan bahwa perdagangan crypto di Asia mengalami perkembangan yang jauh lebih cepat jika dibandingkan dengan wilayah Barat.

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