Selasa, 07 Februari 2017

Beware of Con-Artist Ram Angad (Missionary to Guyana)

Beware of Con-Artist Ram Angad (Missionary to Guyana)

As you may know, we have broken fellowship with Ram Angad and are no longer participating with the revival at New Testament Baptist Church in Guyana. We still have a soul-winning team down there from Faithful Word Baptist Church and Verity Baptist Church, but they are now focusing on even more door-to-door soul-winning and are planning to preach in several more public schools.

The following screenshot shows a shocking conversation between Ram Angad and Chip Stowe of Fundamental Baptist Home Missions, where Ram Angad admits to only using us for money. The highlighted sections are from Chip Stowe, and the rest is all Ram:

Like I mentioned in a previous post, mission board director Chip Stowe canceled  all of Ram’s support shortly after Ram had posted a video of me preaching in a school. They wanted him to make a video denouncing me and also denouncing the post tribulation rapture.

I thought Ram was taking a righteous stand by refusing to denounce me, but, as it turns out, he was just using us. One of the first major red flags was when I had to tell Ram he could not buy himself a 4-wheel drive truck with the revival money. Then someone sent me that screenshot where he basically admitted to lying and only working with us for the money. When I called Ram and confronted him about the screenshot, he did not deny sending those messages but tried to say it was “out of context.” He then changed the subject and tried to create an argument about the lyrics of the song, “Victory in Jesus,” which he had heard Brother Garrett mention in a sermon.

Here is the official letter where Chip Stowe tells supporting churches the reasons he cut off Ram Angad’s support. Notice he also mentions an “inappropriate conversation” where Ram was caught “pursuing” a young woman:

The following is the above referenced conversation where Ram is flirting with a pastor’s young single daughter while in the USA. Keep in mind that Ram is MARRIED:

As you can see, Ram Angad is wicked and a total phony. Not only is he a married man who was caught trolling for adultery, but he is a pastor and missionary who does not seem to care about souls being saved. He led us to believe he was a soul winner, but the soul-winning during the revival was all done by our people, not him. I think Ram only tagged along with Brother Garrett Kirchway a couple of times as a silent partner. Come to find out, before we got there, Ram’s “soul-winning ministry” consisted of nothing more than handing out tracts.

Don’t feel bad if you donated money to Ram leading up to or during the 40-day revival since over 100 people were saved and 28 baptized during that event. People showed up for the food and heard a lot of great preaching from our own missionary, Brother Garrett Kirchway. Brother Garrett won many of the church members and visitors to the Lord both before and after the services. People who knew virtually nothing about the Bible before were trained to be effective soul winners. Those people who got saved, baptized, and trained during the revival were worth every penny!

Brother Garrett Kirchway accomplished a lot over the last three weeks, but we now have several more people helping him in Guyana, and they are out soul-winning every day with great results. Not only that, but I will be personally heading down there at the end of the month.

Ram is running out of money and is desperate for support, but the above evidence shows he is nothing more than a con artist. It is sad that New Testament Baptist Church doesn't have a legitimate pastor because people in Guyana are hungry for biblical preaching. Unfortunately, we can’t always tell the sheep from the goats, but consider yourself warned that RAM is a goat.

“And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:” Matthew 25:22-34

Click here for an update on the work we are doing in Guyana.

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