Senin, 20 Februari 2017

Update on Trinadad Preaching and Soul-Winning Event

Update on Trinadad Preaching and Soul-Winning Event

I will still be preaching on Friday, March 3, 2017, in Trinidad and Tobago, but the location has changed. Courtyard Marriot Hotel in Invaders Bay, Port of Spain, where I was originally going to be preaching, has canceled our reservation. Apparently, the Sodomite activists called them and got the event canceled, which has happened to us several times now just because we preach what the Bible teaches on the subject of homosexuality.

We are living in a day when only one viewpoint is allowed. You must be totally tolerant of homosexuality and not talk about what the Bible says, or a lot of companies won’t do business with you. I respect the right of a private business to refuse service to anyone, but whenever a Christian company tries to do the same thing, they’re persecuted. They get in trouble for not wanting to bake the Sodomite wedding cake or whatever, but apparently, this isn’t a two-way street. We have to tolerate and accept their filth, but they can’t tolerate our position, which is the biblical Christian viewpoint.

Anyway, the new venue for the March 3rd preaching event is a place called the Centre of Excellence in Tunapuna. We will be meeting in a room called Mandela Hall. The address there is 17A Macoya Road, Tunapuna. We will be meeting on Friday night, March 3rd at 7 p.m. for a preaching service, and the next morning on Saturday, March 4th, we’ll be meeting back at the same place at 9:30 a.m. for soul-winning.

If you’ve never been soul-winning, this is a great opportunity to get out there and try it as a silent partner. We will have a few people with us that know how to do the talking, so just show up that Saturday morning, and we'll pair you up with someone who is an experienced soul winner.

If you live anywhere in Trinidad and Tobago or even elsewhere in the Caribbean, I’d love for you to join us at either the preaching service, the soul winning time, or both. I appreciate the sacrifices people make to attend these events, and they are always a great time of fellowship with like-minded believers. We will have plenty of DVDs of our films to give away to everyone in attendance.

Hope to see you in March!

Here is the link to the event on Facebook

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