Rabu, 25 Januari 2017

Garrett in Guyana: Days 11-13

Garrett in Guyana: Days 11-13

The great thing about Guyana is that Muslims and Hindus there are often open to listening to the Gospel. The pastor of New Testament Baptist Church, Pastor Ram Angad, was raised Hindu but received Jesus Christ as Saviour as a teenager. Now God is greatly using his ministry, and I am praying that many more Guyanese people will be saved through our soul-winning efforts down there.

They had two great services on Sunday, which was Brother Garrett Kirchway’s 11th day in Guyana. Brother Kirchway is enjoying Pastor Angad’s dynamic preaching, and the church building is looking great with all the work they’ve been doing. 30 wooden pews have been built, and the baptistery is now finished. As of Tuesday, the 24th, the men in the church were still working late into the night—even in the rain--to finish extending the metal roof on the shed.

They came in just under budget on the materials for the new pews and roof extension, so the project was a success. Not only did they save money by not renting chairs and a tent, but they will have more permanent seating to accommodate more people as the church grows.

On Monday, Brother Kirchway went soul winning, and three people got saved including his taxi cab driver. The rest of that day he worked on his sermons.

Brother Kirchway has 14 important messages he is planning to preach during the 40-day revival, and he is almost done preparing them. One of his goals during the revival is to motivate people to read the Bible more and do more for the Lord, especially in the area of soul-winning.

Aside from the initial startup costs, the total cost per night of the 40-day Revival will be around 240 dollars. This includes providing dinner for 200-300 people as well as the cost of transporting them in vans. The neighborhood around the church has a reputation for being a rough area at night, which is why they are offering to give people a ride home after the service as opposed to having them walk. The first six days of the revival are already paid for, so they are hoping that money continues to come in, so that they don’t have to scale things down during the revival.

New Testament Baptist Church is offering prizes for those who bring the most visitors to the revival services, so lots of people are being invited. They will be giving out Bibles and other small prizes, but Pastor Ram has said that he would also like to buy four bicycles to give away. A lot of people in Guyana have never owned a bicycle, and I guess 400 people showed up once during a past promotion for the chance to win a bike.

Click here to donate to the 40-day Revival and help make it a success.

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