Minggu, 29 Januari 2017

Garrett in Guyana: Days 14-16

Garrett in Guyana: Days 14-16

Wednesday night was the first night of the 40-day Revival in Guyana. Brother Garrett Kirchway and one of the pastors of New Testament Baptist Church went out soul winning a few hours before the service. First, they gave a lady the gospel, and she got saved. Then, they asked if they could also talk to her husband who was working in the yard. He was from Venezuela and spoke only Spanish, but Brother Kirchway had a Spanish Bible and gave him the gospel using the newly saved wife as a translator. Not only did that couple get saved, but they both showed up that night at the revival service.

The first night of the revival went very well. They had just over a hundred people show up. Five people were saved at the service for a total of seven salvations that day, and three people got baptized in the beautiful new baptistery.

The dinner was chow mein and rice cooked outdoors in large woks on Guyanese-style wood burning stoves. The beverage they served with it was passion fruit juice. The ladies in the church worked hard all day to prepare this meal, which didn’t disappoint.

Brother Garrett Kirchway preached on the end times, and the people were riveted. The other sermons he has prepared for the revival cover the following topics: Once Saved Always Saved, Baptism, Manna/Bible Reading, Soul-Winning, Birth Control, Believe vs. Repent, Persecution, Sodomy, Blessed are They That Do his Commandments, Set No Wicked Thing Before Mine Eyes, Giving to the Poor, Bible Prophecy Foundations, and Laziness.

On the second day of the revival, they saw a total of four people saved. Interestingly, a young lady who Brother Kirchway won to the Lord before the church service happened to be the sister of someone he had gotten saved the day before. Pastor Ram Angad drove through the community with a bullhorn reminding people about that night’s service, and they had a larger number show up this time—about 130. Brother Kirchway preached again, and the dinner was a stir-fry with chicken, which he said was phenomenal.

The third day of the revival was the biggest day so far because there were 14 salvations and 5 baptisms! People are getting saved each day both before and after the revival services, both through door-to-door soul winning and at the service itself. Brother Kirchway is looking forward to reinforcements arriving from the USA, so that they can reach higher numbers of people out door-to-door.

The excitement is building as the revival continues, and they are hoping the attendance numbers will keep increasing as people invite their friends and family members. Every week or so during the revival, New Testament Baptist Church is going to give out a bike for those who bring the most visitors to church. This promotion is called “Pack the Pew.”

“And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” Luke 14:23

Here is the video from Day 16, which includes baptism footage.

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